25 Days of Elf on the Shelf~Meet “Willie”

Here in the last few years “Elf on the Shelf ” has put a little new magic in Christmas. When I was little, there was no popular storybook, but there was my little elf “Willie.” Why I named him “Willie” I have no idea. So my little elf has been putting magic in my Christmas for 44 years total, and now he’s putting a little extra magic in Christmas for my kids…at least my youngest.

The magic of the birth of Jesus is what Christmas is all about, and the story of Jesus’s immaculate birth puts the magic in Christmas. But a little elf that magically moves around in the night just adds a little fun. Marlee has loved waking up every morning to see what Willie has gotten into while we were asleep. It was fun to put a little extra imagination in Christmas this year, so I hope you enjoy our 25 days of “Elf on the Shelf.”

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On Christmas day, Willie decided to try to disguise himself as Santa so he could eat all the cookies! To see a description of what he did each day you can follow me on instagram HERE.

Until next year Willie…


Facebook Friday~ “Friends” {Free Timeline Cover}

Awhile back I was linking with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five-Minute Fridays and one Friday her word to write on was “friends.” Click HERE to read my post, but I thought it would be fun to make a timeline cover about friends. Enjoy!

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To make this photo your facebook timeline photo:

1. Click on the photo and a menu will come up where you choose “save image as.” (Use a two-finger click on the photo on a mac and right click on the photo on a PC)

2. In the window that comes up you can rename your photo and choose where to save it (I always save to my desktop, then move it later if I want to keep it.)

3. Then click save.

4. Go to your facebook page.

5. Put the cursor on your timeline photo, and you will see the option to “change cover” appear. Click on it.

6. Choose the option to “upload a photo.”

7. When you click on “upload a photo” your files will appear.

 8. Choose desktop (or wherever you saved your photo) and highlight your new timeline photo, then go to the bottom of the page and click “choose.”

That’s it! The image is already the correct size for the timeline cover.

Shoot me a comment if something doesn’t work. Wink


Just Northwest of the Cows~A Free Facebook Timeline Cover


I know, I know. I’ve been AWOL for awhile! Shortly after my last post, I went to Europe…which I planned to blog through…but really had no idea how busy and tired and jet lagged and overwhelmed I would be. And yes, a little homesick too. Don’t get me wrong, it was an awesome trip. But my emotional brain was just too tired to blog my way through the trip. I’ll be sharing pics and stories though…don’t worry! Wink


As soon I returned from Europe, I attended the She Speaks conference in Charlotte, then spent two weeks trying to get my house back in order after having to move out, have the floors refinished, and move back in…all the while getting my oldest daughter, Miranda, ready to move to college.

Isn’t her dorm room cute???

So Miranda’s off to college, Trevor started high school, and Marlee is big man on campus in the 5th grade…though little Marlee will never really be big man on any campus Wink

So this is why I’ve been AWOL. But the break has been good. I think I was getting a little burnt out spending so much time in front of this computer screen.

I thought I’d kick off the fall with a free facebook timeline cover for you from the midst of the Swiss Alps.

One of the many highlights of my trip was the day we spent in Switzerland driving over the Swiss Alps (in a 5 speed btw)  to go see the Matterhorn.

When we got over the river…


And around the bends…


And Past the flags…DREAM_SIZEIMG_7426

And over the tracks…DREAM_SIZEIMG_7492

And past the cow paths…DREAM_SIZEIMG_7228

And through the Edleweiss…DREAM_SIZE_MG_0152

And just northwest of the cows, where you could still hear the cowbells ringing in the distance…DREAM_SIZEIMG_7409

We found the sweetest little church, nestled right there in the midst of God’s creation…DREAM_SIZEIMG_7576RICH

It was magical. And inspiring. And enchanting.

So to share a little of this magic with you I’ve created for you a free facebook timeline cover complete with easy step-by-step instructions:

It helps me remember just how big God is…DREAM_SIZEIMG_7576 copyRICH

To make this photo your facebook timeline photo:

1. Click on the photo and a menu will come up where you choose “save image as.” (Use a two-finger click on the photo on a mac and right click on the photo on a PC)

2. In the window that comes up you can rename your photo and choose where to save it (I always save to my desktop, then move it later if I want to keep it.)

3. Then click save.

4. Go to your facebook page.

5. Put the cursor on your timeline photo, and you will see the option to “change cover” appear. Click on it.

6. Choose the option to “upload a photo.”

7. When you click on “upload a photo” your files will appear.

8. Choose desktop (or wherever you saved your photo) and highlight your new timeline photo, then go to the bottom of the page and click “choose.”

That’s it! The image is already the correct size for the timeline cover.

Shoot me a comment if something doesn’t work. Wink


Happy fall y’all (well almost) …I’ll be talking to you more soon!


If you like what I’ve created for you would you do me a favor?

Just share this post using the “Share the Love” buttons at the bottom of the page, or subscribe to my blog in your email.

I loved working in the pharmacy because people came to me. Selling myself? Not a fan.

I don’t have a drop of salesman’s blood in my bodyEmbarassed,so I would love some help from you!Kiss









Happy Summer from the Vaughans :)

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
Free photo slideshow generated with Smilebox


Happy Memorial Day…Remember, Honor, and Keep Looking Up!

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Spring Break Highlights in Pictures~Pensacola, Fl











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Free Facebook Timeline Cover…A Little Beachy Yumminess!


Couldn’t resist creating a beachy Facebook timeline cover for you as we are enjoying spring break this week.

When I look out at the ocean, I’m in awe of God’s creation. And it’s true…as deep and blue as that ocean, God loves us more. Post this on your FB page and enjoy the reminder! (Click HERE to tweet) Wink Thank you!


To make this photo your facebook timeline photo:

1. Click on the photo and a menu will come up where you choose “save image as.” (Use a two-finger click on the photo on a mac and right click on the photo on a PC)

2. In the window that comes up you can rename your photo and choose where to save it (I always save to my desktop, then move it later if I want to keep it.)

3. Then click save.

4. Go to your facebook page.

5. Put the cursor on your timeline photo, and you will see the option to “change cover” appear. Click on it.

6. Choose the option to “upload a photo.”

7. When you click on “upload a photo” your files will appear.

8. Choose desktop (or wherever you saved your photo) and highlight your new timeline photo, then go to the bottom of the page and click “choose.”

That’s it! The image is already the correct size for the timeline cover.

Shoot me a comment if something doesn’t work. Wink










If you like what I’ve created for you would you do me a favor?

Just share this post using the “Share the Love” buttons at the bottom of the page, or subscribe to my blog in your email.

I loved working in the pharmacy because people came to me. Selling myself? Not a fan.

I don’t have a drop of salesman’s blood in my bodyEmbarassed,so I would love some help from you!Kiss

How to make a Valentine Tree


In all honesty, I have very little artistic talent, but I can be fairly creative. The problem is, creativity takes time, which is always in short supply. But with a little motivation from a friend and a really cool tree I’ve always wanted to make something with, I decided to make a Valentine’s tree this year. My curly-branched tree is called a “Curly Ligustrom” for any of you green-thumbs out there. In the summer, the leaves disguise the branches and it looks like…well…a bush. But in the winter, when all the leaves fall of, it’s a curly tree! And makes for some great creations.

I dug into my ancient scrap-booking materials, some crystals used to replace broken ones on a chandelier, and my printer to add some oh-so-precious pictures. To make the photos last (so I can put my tree up again next year) I used “modge podge” to coat my creations. Here’s the result. A little time consuming, but isn’t anything that’s worth the effort?

If you have small children, you might start small, add a few pictures each year, and watch your tree of love grow as your children do! Hindsight is always 20/20. I’m always wishing I’d started things earlier!














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Merry Christmas!



 If Christmas was supposed to be about Santa, it would have been called Santamus. Or Clausemus. Instead it’s Christmas. There is magic in Christmas, and that magic is Christ.

May you have a magically blessed Christmas, focusing on HIm.

For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

(Isaiah 9:6 ESV)


Washington D.C.~In Honor of Our Veterans

I’m sleepy.

It’s a little after 8:00 a.m. and I’m sitting at church before the early service while Trevor is in band practice. If you know me, you know I’d rather be home in my bed planning to come to the 11:0o service.

I’m trying to get used to my new WordPress blog. I could post so quickly on blogger, but this is taking a bit longer to learn, and life is super busy right now. My brain is tired!

So, in an attempt to get used to this new process and give you guys something to look at (provided you haven’t forgotten about me by now 😉 I though I’d post some pictures of our trip to Washington DC. We made it just before Sandy hit the northeast. After five days in Washington DC with 115 eighth graders, we made it home at 1:00 a.m. on the Sunday morning that Sandy hit.

It was a whirlwind trip, leaving at 5:am on Tuesday morning and touring Washington DC from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. every day through Friday, then hitting Kings Dominion on Saturday on our way home.

Although it was a busy trip, I left with a new appreciation for our veterans. Arlington Cemetery and the tomb of the unknown soldier left me speechless. And believe me, that’s hard to do.

Now that I think about it, I’m probably just still sleepy from the trip!

Okay, I’ll let the pictures upload while he preaches…


Now that I’ve heard the sermon for today I have to share a little more about my Washington trip.

We went to Union Station to let the kids shop, eat, and have a little free time. I was enjoying some free myself without kids, checkout out a menu and a much needed salad bar when a very tall man with a full beard, dressed in all black and somewhat intimidating approached me from behind and asked me point blank if I’d buy him dinner. I really don’t know why I was surprised. After all, we were in a train station in a big city, but I suppose I still had my Simpsonville brain on.

My first thought was I must have the word “sucker” written on my forehead. But thankfully, my Jesus eyes quickly shifted my paradigm.

“Then those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:40 Msg)

I don’t know this man’s story, and I only had a brief encounter with him. But I did buy him a good meal and have the brief opportunity to wish him good luck on his journey, but more than luck, God’s blessing. I shared with him Jeremiah 29:11:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

 I will never know what happened to this man, but thankfully, I planted a seed. I gave.
{The least of these~Jesus}
Btw, if you’re wondering, the sermon today was about the good samaritan.

Enjoy the pics! Wish we could have had an effect on the election while we were in Washington 🙁 Four more years. Sorry my friends. Keep praying for our country and our president—whether he’s the one you voted for or not.



A Little Beachy Goodness

Our marriage verse. 
Our life verse. 

Has it always been easy? 

Have we served none the less? 

When I ponder our lives and see where we are now, 
the choice was always clear. 

We will serve the Lord

And he has rewarded us abundantly. 

Enjoy a little beachy goodness from our vacation 😉
The fancy

and the fun…
Hope you enjoyed the…

From my heart,


Make-a-Change Monday~A Time for Bubbles

Well, if you read my post on Saturday, you know I stayed off the computer for the weekend so not too much thought went into the {make-a-change} for today. 
I will share with you what I did instead of writing a post for today, which might just be a {make-a-change} we all need to make sometimes 😉

Who say’s you can’t put bubbles in a
Hope you had a wonderful mother’s day! 
From my heart, 

Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Do what you love

I love to take pictures of people. It’s both challenging and rewarding to capture the essence of someone’s personality in a photograph. Sometimes you can see personality characteristics in a photograph that you can’t see in real life. We were created in God’s image, and every single one of is is a masterpiece created by the Master Creator. 

One of the best ways to fight depression—or even just the blues—is to do something that you love. For me, photography is one of my “somethings.” Here are the reasons photography makes me happy: 

  • It is a creative outlet
  • It keeps my mind focused and busy
  • It allows me to interact with people
  • It allows me to do something for someone else
  • It gives me a sense of accomplishment

All of these reasons I enjoy photography actually increase the endorphins and chemicals (serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin) in my brain that increase my mood and sense of well being. Doing something that you love, whether it’s photography, music, gardening, carpentry, etc…have most of the characteristics I listed above. 

So my tip for a happier you today is to do something that you love. Whether you make money or not is irrelevant. Getting paid for doing what you love sometimes makes it more rewarding, and sometimes it makes it less. It’s all the other reasons that make it worth it. 

For me, spring is a great time for photography which is what led me to this tip today. With senior pictures, proms, and mother’s day, my camera has been busy. And I was blessed to get to photograph one a God’s new creations last week too! So I thought I’d share a few of God’s masterpieces with you today as seen through my lens 😉

So go do what you love and be happy! 
From my heart, 

Enjoy! 😉

Gotta love the horse in this one! :D

Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Rest

These next two months will hold many moments for me to stop and reflect. My firstborn is 18 years old today and will be graduating from high school next month. If time were personified she would obviously have wings. I’m really not sure where the last 18 years has gone. 

I look back at clouded memories wishing every moment had been recorded. But they weren’t. 

It’s up to me to hold those memories close to my heart.

It’s up to me to remember the good times, and let the bad memories remain in the past. Because let’s face it—they are not all good memories. 

Which brings me to today’s tip to a happier you: Take time away to rest and create some great memories with those you love. 

This week was spring break, and my family definitely made memories this week we will carry with us forever. With money a little tight right now, we—well, David— ran upon a Living Social deal and rented an RV for the week. Now let me tell you, camping for this girl is the Fairfield Marriott!

We spent three days as a very close-knit family of five. 

  • No television
  • A shower the size of a locker
  • A kitchen table converted to a bed
  • Five suitcases crammed in a pile in the corner
  • Wet towels and washcloths hanging on open cabinet doors

With those circumstances, we spent great family time.

  • We play game after game of cards and UNO on the table/bed before anyone slept on it
  • We didn’t have the distractions of a normal home: No laundry or dishes to be done, no cooking, and no point in straightening up.
  • Lots of outdoor time together hiking and climbing on rocks up the river

We had a great week and actually spent time together as a family, which life has a way of making impossible sometimes. 

The funniest memory of the week, though, was one I wouldn’t have anticipated. In an RV, there’s the dreadful task of emptying out the “black water.” For all you campers, you know what that is. For those of you like me, it’s the poop tank. 

The law of gravity is quite an important one to consider when emptying out the poop tank. There is a nice sized brown tube that connects from the RV to the hole in the ground that I suppose is a septic tank of sorts. The more experienced campers had a nice little wire rack that held the tube at the correct angle to drain the poop. We weren’t in the “experienced camper” category. In order to empty the tank, all five of us had to hold the tube off the ground at the correct angle. When it got too heavy in one spot and sagged, we had to get the “wave” motion going with the tube to drain it correctly. Teamwork! There’s nothing quite like feeling the weight of human waste flowing through a tube to create a family bonding moment that will last forever!  

So while we must exercise, eat correctly, clean house, work, and all the other stuff that takes our time, don’t forget to take time to just get away and rest and spend quality time with your family. And if you decide to embark on a camping trip, be sure to call me for tips on the poop tank! 
From my heart,

Here’s a few snapshots from our trip…hope you enjoy! 😉