25 Days of Elf on the Shelf~Meet “Willie”

Here in the last few years “Elf on the Shelf ” has put a little new magic in Christmas. When I was little, there was no popular storybook, but there was my little elf “Willie.” Why I named him “Willie” I have no idea. So my little elf has been putting magic in my Christmas for 44 years total, and now he’s putting a little extra magic in Christmas for my kids…at least my youngest.

The magic of the birth of Jesus is what Christmas is all about, and the story of Jesus’s immaculate birth puts the magic in Christmas. But a little elf that magically moves around in the night just adds a little fun. Marlee has loved waking up every morning to see what Willie has gotten into while we were asleep. It was fun to put a little extra imagination in Christmas this year, so I hope you enjoy our 25 days of “Elf on the Shelf.”

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On Christmas day, Willie decided to try to disguise himself as Santa so he could eat all the cookies! To see a description of what he did each day you can follow me on instagram HERE.

Until next year Willie…


From a Mother’s Perspective

As we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent, anticipating the celebration of the birth of our Savior, I’ve been trying to imagine the birth of Jesus from different perspectives. We read the Christmas story year after year, but we are always spectators, watching from a distance.

What would it be like to be the one chosen to give birth to Jesus?

Listen to this song by Francesca Battistelli and imagine these words are being spoken by you, the mother of Jesus, Savior of the world.

Baby Jesus and the manager

Jesus and the Manager
Don’t you just hate typos? Or the auto-correct on your phone? At least on the computer you can use the backspace button. But what about when you get something printed and then find the typo? I know someone who sent Christmas cards with the intention of printing “Baby Jesus and the manger,” but instead printed, “Baby Jesus and the manager.” Wonder how many people noticed? That typo got me to thinking…
How often do we notice that we actually do try to “manage” Jesus? We try to manage Jesus just like we manage our bank account. When we need money, we go to the bank and make a withdrawal. When we need Jesus, we pray and read our Bible. When we don’t need money, we don’t even think about our bank account. When we don’t think we need Jesus, we keep him neatly tucked away in a box, just like our checkbook.
God didn’t send his son to be born to save the world for us to keep him tucked away to use when we need him. God announced Jesus’s birth to the world with a brilliant star for all to see. The world watched as he grew from a baby into a man, only to be brutally crucified on a cross to bear the burden of sin for all mankind. God gave his son as a gift, not something that must be worked for, paid for, or managed.
Accept the gift that God gave and let Jesus be Jesus. We need to quit making withdrawals only when we need him and deposits when we think we might need him. I’m here to tell you we do need him. Always. Just when life is going hunky dory, your life can change in an instant. Believe me, I know first hand. So remember, it’s not Jesus and the manager, but Jesus and the manger.
This year, when it’s time for the Christmas decorations to be put away, don’t put baby Jesus back in the box with the nativity scene. Put Him in your kitchen window sill, nightstand, or wherever you will see Him and celebrate the freedom we have in the gift of Jesus every day!
From my heart,
