Where Medicine Meets Faith

Today on “Dr. Oz,” he had Joel Osteen as his guest. The title of this segment was “Where medicine ends and faith begins.” If you’re reading this blog, you probably know God gave me a miracle after years of failed medical attempts at healing. This particular subject holds a spot very close to my heart! 
I was excited to see such a mainstream show confront such a controversial topic, but honestly, I was left disappointed. The main message resulting from the interview was there is power in prayer. I wholeheartedly agree! But as came through in the show today, Joel Osteen is a “feel good” preacher. He believes in happiness and prosperity, and that anyone who believes and has enough faith can achieve just that. What I did not hear on the show today was the will of God. God has a plan. He is in control. For his children, God has promises that he will bestow, but not mentioned by Rev. Osteen today was that we may not see those promises until we reach Heaven. 
I realize this was a secular show, and I’m sure Dr. Oz had the network guiding him in what he could and could not say, but I was disappointed that the subject “when everything fails” didn’t come up. So if we die, do we assume that neither faith nor medicine worked? No. This brings me to one of my favorite quotes by Max Lucado: 
“The ultimate aim of healing is not just a healthy body but a greater kingdom. If God’s aim is to grant perfect health to all his children, he has failed, because no one enjoys perfect health, and everyone dies. But if God’s aim is to expand the boundaries of his kingdom, then he has succeeded. For every time he heals, a thousand sermons are preached.”
And to that I add this…even when he does not heal us while we are here on earth, he completely heals us when we die. For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)

Even in death, God has a plan. The experience of losing someone often leads other to Christ.

Prayer is important–essential actually to our spiritual walk. But God already has all the answers, doesn’t he? God has already promised us that he has a plan and a purpose for us…a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29/11). When we pray, he restores us. Praying helps us to remember that he is God and he has us in his hands. It helps us to fight the evil influences this world has over us and have faith in him. Prayer doesn’t help God be a better God, but it helps us to be better children.
I have blogged on this subject several times, and I think as Christians, it is vital that we live on this earth with an eternal perspective. Yes, what we do here is important because while we are on earth, we are laying up our treasures in Heaven. What are those treasures? People—the people that will be in eternity beside us. I’m attaching links here of the other blog posts I have on this subject:

Life is Good, Eternity is Better
In Sickness and in Health

It all boils down to your heart. Only God truly knows your heart. He alone knows your faith, your love, your struggles, and your trust in him.
I love the PRAYER acronym on today’s prescription. I will leave you with the scripture that supports it’s meaning. 
P ~ praise ~ Yours, O LORD, are the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and on the earth is yours; yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all. Riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. (1 Chronicles 29:11-12)
R ~ repent ~ If my people … will humble themselves, pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear their prayer… (2 Chronicles 7:14)
A ~ ask ~ Ask, and it will be given you . . . knock, and the door will be opened for you. (Matthew 7:7)
Y ~ yield ~ …your will be done…(Matthew 6:10) and …not what I want but what you want. (Matthew 26:39)
E ~ expect results ~  …approach the throne of grace with confidence. (Hebrews 4:16)
R ~ return oftenThe prayer of faith will save the sick. (James 5:15)

I’d love to hear some of your thoughts on the subject! 

From my heart,



  1. Powerful, powerful post, Celeste! I struggle with the same thing every time I hear Joel Osteen. I’m afraid his message of prosperity and health override any message of a changed heart, seeking to serve a Mighty God.

    The bottom line is, if we follow Joel’s thinking to its end, why aren’t there 2000-year-old people walking around? Does that mean that if we believe, we won’t have to wear glasses? Won’t get wrinkles? Won’t bleed if we’re cut?

    But as the Bible tells us, we’re a world of people who want someone to tickle our ears and say what we want to hear.

    The world wants to hear of prosperity and health. It doesn’t want to hear that a perfect God-Man suffered and died on a bloody cross because of our sins. And it certainly doesn’t want to hear that a just God is in control.

    Thank you for writing the truth!

  2. Celeste, The message of you post needs to be heard by many others. You are right in that we may not always get the healing here on earth, but we will be totally healed in Heaven.

    God’s biggest plan for us is Heaven. He gave us the way, Jesus Christ. By accepting and following Him we walk on the right path. There may be hardships, but He suffered them too.

    Those who have faith in Jesus have hope in eternity no matter what befalls them here and now. Sometimes to be a true disciple of the Lord means to share in His suffering for a greater purpose, to lead others to Christ.

    I think of the many physically challenged people who are great inspirations for others by their positive attitudes and refusal to be self-pitying. They are living out God’s plan for them now whether they know it or not.

    Thank you for a much needed message for others to hear.


  3. Hi Celeste,
    Your post is a great read! I had wanted to see Dr. Oz’s show knowing Joel was going to be on and sorry I missed it. It’s sad that there are such rules on secular national programs regarding where one can go in expressing there love for God. If that was the case that kept Joel from expressing what he may have wanted. But I give him credit for trying. It’s great that he has his own in order to add to what he may not have said.

    I love your thoughts and open heart to express them. By the way I love the PRAYER acronym, thanks for posting it:)!

    High Hopes
    Lindy Adams

  4. Thank you guys for your wonderful comments and support. I wish I could reach the world with these messages. I’ll keep trying! =o)

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