Graffiti Summer~Homeless, But Not Hopeless (Recognized by the next generation…)



Last year my daughter, Miranda, created a promotional video to raise awareness for the Homeless in our area, and to make people aware of a fantastic mission we have here in the Greenville, SC area for the homeless.

She got much more than she bargained for.

Her initial thoughts were to go in, talk to some of the administrators (who turned out to be one person, Pastor Deb), and create a video of the center itself.

What she found was people. People just like her daddy, who’d ended up in situations beyond their control that landed them homeless. She saw the love of Christ through the ministry of Triune Mercy Center and saw how that love brings changes.




I have been out of town so much this summer that I haven’t done well keeping up with Alene’s Graffiti study that she wrote with the homeless man (that was actually my intention when I started these posts) but from what I’ve seen it’s a great book that she actually cowrote with a homeless man, so I thought Miranda’s video might fit in well with the study. Be sure to check out Alene’s book: graffitibook


Hope you enjoy the video…listen especially to the music:



  1. Celeste, the video your daughter created is absolutely beautiful. Wow! I’m in tears! It warms my heart to know there are places like this and grateful to those like your daughter who help create awareness. So good! Much love to you.

    • CelesteVaughan says

      Thanks Beth! She definitely has a heart to help others. I do feel blessed to have given birth to her!

  2. Be still my heart. Love the video, the ministry, and your daughter’s heart. The pics stir something within me. It’s crazy how God has totally broken me for the homeless — I love those people!

    • CelesteVaughan says

      I’m glad you liked it Alene. I thought it would go well with the study…which I’m failing miserably keeping up. Work has been crazy and I’m leaving Friday for Prague, after going to Washington DC last week. I’m going to have to dig into it on my own when I have the time I need to put into it. But I’m glad I could at least contribute a little!

  3. Great job, Miranda. I know you’re proud of her, Celeste. What a tender heart!

    • CelesteVaughan says

      I am Vonda, thanks. She’s off to Gardner-Webb in August 🙁 Not sure how I’ll be handling that!

  4. Cathy Baker says

    You must be mighty proud of Miranda. 🙂 Beautiful post!

  5. Elizabeth B. Meaders says

    This was the first time I really was able to see the video all the way through. It was amazing–that Miranda could even accomplish this, the wonderful insight she gained from the project, and the personalization involved, both of Miranda and David, in this accomplishment. Then there are the homeless and this great Triune Mercy Center. Our Sunday School class project in June each year is to supply the Saturday meal, which was spaghetti, salad, bread, and cakes, on the 4th Saturday, served last week. We had seveal devoted people to participate and accomplish this task, feeding about 99 people that day and providing sack lunches. The meal is planned and cooked by Earl and Joy Patterson, as well as served them them and our class. Thanks, Celeste, for posting this very informative video that Miranda made last year.

  6. WOW — great job, Miranda! And great job to you too, Mama 🙂 I know you’re heart is full!

  7. Whoops. Forgot to respond. Got it from St. Olaf and read the whole thing last night when I shulod’ve been doing homework. It was great! I thought her writing style was similar to yours, a little bit. Also, I liked it that most of the stories were in first person. I really wanna see The Future now. I think I remember liking her first movie.

  8. If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”

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