When we wonder “Why?”




In my last post, I wrote about a book I was reading called, “Fly a Little Higher” about a teenage boy diagnosed with a difficult type of cancer to cure—osteosarcoma. His mom wrote the book and even though Zach died, his mom’s prayers were answered. The death of her son through this cancer was for something much, much bigger. I also indicated that I hoped God never chooses to allow that opportunity for my children.

Then Friday night Miranda comes in and tells us that one of her best friend’s little brother, Josiah, has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia—ALL is a common abbreviation and his is the T-cell type. Josiah is Trevor’s age, so this hits quite close to home. Josiah’s family is one of the most kind and Godly families I know. They truly radiate the light of Jesus. I couldn’t help but ask myself ,”Why?” As a mom, I can’t imagine what his mom, Lynette, is feeling right now. I’m sure Satan is doing his best to put doubt and fear into her heart, as well as those of her family. Why this family? Why Josiah? 

Tomorrow, the doctors will put in a port, begin chemo, and begin to decide how they will approach the bone marrow treatment. Josiah undoubtedly will have to endure some pain through this treatment, and his family will be right by his side going through it with him. Satan has chosen the wrong family to pick on. 

Satan’s going to fail. God will prevail.

Josiah has been on my mind since the minute Miranda told me about his diagnosis. She went to the hospital yesterday and said everyone is being very positive. Just what I would expect. Not to mention that yesterday was Josiah’s birthday. This post hasn’t been well thought out, or rewritten several times as I tend to do. It’s just straight from my heart.

We need an army of prayer warriors for Josiah. We don’t need to give Satan even an inkling that he might have any satisfaction through this diagnosis. Here’s a link to a Facebook page created to keep people updated on his condition and for the prayers needed: Pray for Josiah

This is a picture of Josiah with his brother, Ben, and his sisters, Brooke and Hannah. (Josiah is on the far right)



God has a plan. We need to pray to keep Satan’s army suppressed and allow God’s perfect plan unfold before our eyes. Let’s watch as God destroys the cancer and Satan’s evil plans as well.

Please share this post and like Josiah’s Facebook page. In this case, Like = Prayer.

If you want more on why bad things happen to good people check out another recent post HERE.



  1. Thanks for sharing, Celeste. Such dear friends. And you are right, God already has the victory!

    • Celeste Vaughan says

      I think every parent wishes they could take on the pain. I think that’s what makes it the hardest. But yes…God is in control and we already know he is victorious! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment 🙂

  2. Elizabeth B. Meaders says

    I will put Josiah on all my prayer lists generated by my SS class, Facebook, etc,!!! God is in control and in this for certain! GOD, BE WITH JOSIAH, HEAL HIM IN JESUS’ NAME! AMEN


  1. […] the friend of Trevor’s who is battling leukemia (click here to read what I wrote of his story) and his family have been amazing how they have used his battle […]

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