Tips to a Happier You in 2012~Get Real!

Facebook is an amazing phenomenon of our culture, but for the most part, it’s not real. I don’t know why I’m always amazed to see pictures of “happily ever after” posted only to hear through the grapevine they didn’t quite make it “til death do us part,” but there may be a death before it’s over. What people share on Facebook is limited, and often skewed to give a good impression. 
We must develop real relationships in our lives. God commands us to share our troubles with one another. To have compassion.
Why are we so worried about what other will think? Does it really matter? 
Think about one of your closest friends. Now think back to the first time you met them. Did you imagine that you would ever share with them what they now know about you? Probably not. 
When we can be transparent, relationships become real. 
We need other people in our lives. God knew it as soon as he created Adam. 
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; 
I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18 (ESV)
Studies have shown repeatedly that relationships are beneficial to our psychological and physical health. One of Satan’s greatest tools is loneliness. If he can make us feel like we are alone in our struggles, it’s much easier for him to get a stronghold on us. Believe me. I know. Since I’ve been blogging, I’ve been amazed at the number of people who have shared similar struggles with me. What if I had been transparent sooner? 
I would urge you to nurture your relationships. Be forthcoming and honest with the precious friends in your life. Be real. Everyone struggles. Everyone goes through difficult times. I promise you will be surprised; when you think you are making yourself vulnerable by sharing your struggle, you will find strength. And when you share your battles, chances are they will too. At that point, you enter into a relationship of kindness and altruism with this friend, which has the added bonus of increasing serotonin! See how it all works together? 
This weekend, spend less time on Facebook and go have lunch with a friend. That’s what I’m doing in an hour. 
Gotta run! 
From my heart, 



  1. Celeste, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have been let down by facebook in the past because I tried building relationships there. It just doesn’t work that way. It has to be seen for what it is and nothing more. It is a great tool for information and sharing but not for true friend building. That happens in real life as you said in your post. I am fortunate to have some real friends in life that I can be open and honest with and they with me. I’m on facebook with them, but the difference is that I meet with them in real life too.

    Real communication with non-verbals and body language develops real friends, and that happens in person. Electronic media doesn’t have that essential mode of communication.

    Thanks for a great post that I’m sure will benefit many others.


  2. Thanks Dave, I love Facebook just as much as the next person. Before I ever used facebook, I actually originally thought of it as a gossip site, so I’ve been pleasantly surprised how encouraging people can be, but for the most part, it’s still not real. Thanks for the comment!

  3. Great advice, Celeste. One of the problems with Facebook is that people often write in a moment of anger or disappointment or depression and say later realize they shouldn’t have been so transparent with the masses. Many have lost jobs, friendships, and community over something that was posted without thinking of the consequences.

    We can never attain true, personal friendship on a social networking site. Like you and Dave have said, those kinds of friends only come through trust and face-to-face connection.

    Thanks for your wise counsel.

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  7. I hope that through this time you can go easy on yourself, as your writing lays out. I hope you use it as your map, your textbook, and be okay with what you can do, as you breathe. Gently In. Gently Out. And love yourself, as best you can, and not kick yourself for not loving yourself enough, or whatever you tell yourself about not being enough. <3

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