The Trap of Addiction~Visit me today at

Drugs do not discriminate when choosing their prey. Living in a society so dependent on pharmaceuticals, it’s easy to fall into Satan’s trap of addiction. Our human nature desires immediate gratification, which is one of the most powerful tools Satan uses.

I’m super excited today to have an article over at Addiction Blog today. Addiction Blog is a resource for all types of addiction, but is almost exclusively educational. I’ve been given the opportunity to share my knowledge as a pharmacist, and at the same time, share my experience of addiction as a Christian. As I stated in a recent blog post, I won’t be posting as often on here in order to writing on other sites and working on the book, but I’ll always let you know where I am!

From my heart,



  1. Happy Monday, Celeste! Blessings on your writing, WHEREVER you’re doing it!

  2. Pamela Kuhn says

    I hopped over and read your post. Excellent. As a fibromyalgia sufferer, I’ve been offered many prescriptions by drs. The easiest solution for me is to refuse them. I’d rather feel the pain than deal with side effects from pain pills. Blessings on your ministry in this area.

    • CelesteVaughan says

      Thanks so much Pamela! I learned the hard way that most of the time, drugs only make things worse. I fell so much better relying on the natural resources that God gave me to feel my best!

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