Learning Through Change…and Patience

There are some new adventures in the Vaughan household these days. Our vacation of Beachy Goodness was just what we needed before the wave of change took place. 

So here’s a mixed-up post to go with my mixed-up life. Forgive my rambling. It’s the state of my brain right now.  

Miranda just graduated from high school

Even though she will be doing the thirteenth year program her first year and going to Greenville Tech, she and her best friend are moving into the apartment above our garage. I’m already regretting the decision to let her do this. I do love Joelle (her BFF) and I hope it will be a good experience for them, but it’s requiring much reorganizing on my part, and I have a feeling I’m inheriting another child’s laundry for next year. 
The day after we returned from Vacation, we purchased a Brightstar franchise. This is an exciting adventure, and we hope to help meet a serious need in our community. But there is so much to learn. David just returned from a week of training in Chicago just full of information. 

During this summer, I’ve taken a few courses on blogging to improve my little niche in space so you’ll enjoy visiting. For all of you who blog, you know the drill. Blogger or WordPress? Which is better? I do love Blogger, but after what I’ve learned, I think WordPress is going to be a better fit for me. So you may see a new look here very soon. We’ll see how it goes. Oh, and I’m excited (I think) to have my blog critiqued by Laura Barnes on her website “Laura B Writer”. Bring on the criticism. I can take it {note to me—reread the prescription verse above}. 
As if that’s not enough to do, I have the privilege of writing a series of twelve articles for Addiction Blog
I’m really excited about this because this is a predominantly educational blog, and they are allowing me to write from a spiritual perspective. I know without a doubt that I would still be in the exact same miserable pit I was in if God had not wrapped me in a blanket of mercy and lifted me to safety. Because of this added writing, I’ll be posting less often on my blog, but don’t worry; I’ll post a link so you can find me wherever I go! 

Last, but not least, I’m still working on THE BOOK. Can you feel the frustration in my fingertips?                       

{This is a great image of what it’s like when I sit to write—something or someone else getting in the way.}
And every time I think my writing is good enough, I learn something new, and feel the need to continue to make it better. Will that feeling ever go away? Probably not. Eventually I’ll have to kick it out of the nest and see if it flies. 

I celebrated (I use that term loosely) my 43rd birthday this week. BTW, I love Facebook birthdays. Who know I would get so excited about so many little notifications! It only takes a second to wish someone a happy birthday on FB, and who knows what joy you may bring someone? All of my birthday wishes made me smile. Okay—getting back on track…

It’s been almost two years since God pulled me out of my pit, healed me, and plopped me here with a purpose. It is my heart’s desire to help others with addiction and depression. I’ve been there and it’s hell—as literally as I can imagine. I’ve been careful not to be too hasty in putting myself out there, as I want to be equipped with the knowledge to counsel with wisdom. I’ve prayerfully and carefully worked with three people with addiction, and one with depression. With each one, God confirms his call on my life. I know I didn’t suffer in vain. Every person I’ve talked to that suffers with addiction issues says the same thing: 

“It’s not terribly helpful to have a professional tell you what you need to do to get better. They can’t understand. Hearing it from someone who has been there personally, understands how you feel, and knows the medical details of addiction makes all the difference in the world.” 

I’ll keep learning, God, and you take me where I need to go. 

 From my heart,


  1. Elizabeth Meaders says

    I’ve found your new site. I never would have believed you could create all your own web sites when I gave you the I-Pad for your birthday, August 7, 2010, just two years ago. You were a “baby” in the computer world and when David suggested it, I really doubted it would be useful to you. God used that I-Pad to help bring you out of the web of bad stuff you’d gone through just a few days before your birthday and several days afterwards–then your God Blessed Miracle of September 25, 2010. To use an old phase, “You’ve come a long way, baby!” Love you, Mom

  2. http://www.ingriddossantos.com/health-well-being/beauty/information-about-acnezine Thanks for that awesome posting. It saved MUCH time 🙂

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