Five-Minute Friday: “View”

It’s Five-Minute Friday again when we write for five minutes unedited. Today’s topic is “view.” One, two, three…Go!


Your view of the world is uniquely yours.

It is how you look at life. Not just through your eyes, but through your ears, nose, mouth, and fingertips…and your heart.

As life happens, your view changes.

Standing at that sacred altar, vowing to leave your mother and father to create a life with the one you’ve chosen.

Touching tiny toes, captivated by  the awe of a new baby, wondering how your heart can possibly stay within the confines of your ribcage.

Sitting beside a hospital bed while your daddy moves from this life into the next.

Realizing you are not perfect when addiction has blindsided you and permeated every facet of your existence.

Experiencing the extraordinary love of Christ when the word  “miracle” becomes so personal and real you are forever changed.

When you realize complete wholeness can only be understood after complete brokenness. Click HERE to tweet Smile1

Your view of the world is uniquely yours.

Learn from it. Embrace it. Share it.


To check out some other posts on the word “view,” hop on over to Lisa-Jo’s blog to see who else linked up. Be ready to be amazed…some great writer’s over there Wink Just click on her button:


  1. Oh I loved this. And our view does change, as we walk this journey, doesn’t it? I keep asking God to enlarge my view. I want to see Him in all of it, the good, the challenging, the pain. Loved visiting here today!

    • CelesteVaughan says

      Thanks Barbie! it’s hard to see him sometimes during the hard stuff, but that’s usually when we can see him the easiest if we will stop and look. So glad you stopped in to visit 🙂

  2. Denise Oldham says

    This is fantastic.

  3. Your story is inspirational. I really relate, but I don’t want to put all my stuff out there. I’ve watched many of my family and friends suffer from addiction. I, myself, have an addictive personality and struggle daily with this reality. Still, it can be a beautiful reality, if you work hard and have love and faith.

    • CelesteVaughan says

      Thank you, and I really appreciate your comment. I know it’s hard to put it all out there, and it’s not for everyone. I can tell you, though, that once you just put it all out there, it is very freeing. It also helps you stay accountable. One reason I have been very open is hopefully to change the face of addiction. The stereotypes associated with addiction are terrible, and it’s because the only people who tend to be open about their addiction are those that have no reason to hide it. It’s these stereotypes that force people who are Christians, professionals, and moms to feel forced to wear a mask and hide their addiction. If more people would be open about prescription drug addiction, I think there would be a much bigger system of support and not so much judgement. But again, I know it’s hard. God has given me what I need to be able to be transparent, and I pray that my transparency will be an inspiration to others. Thanks again for taking the time to comment! 🙂

  4. I love this…embracing my unique view of the world. Beautiful post, friend…thank you! 🙂

    • CelesteVaughan says

      Thanks Mel…you were up early this morning to be first on the link list…You saw a view of the world I didn’t see this morning 😉


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